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New Year, New Director Opportunities

Feb 1, 2023

Open Director and Chair Positions

Have you ever wanted to be more involved with Tallahassee Network of Young Professionals? Do you have a special skill to bring to the table? We have several board member positions open and want you to join us!

The board member positions are on a volunteer basis, but they do require a minimum of 5 hours a week. Some of the more responsible roles on the board require more time. During our busy season while planning our events, the board members can expect to put in around 20 hours a week. We expect full participation and attendance at all of the events. We have found that our more successfull board members are involved in the TNYP organization for at least a year before joining the board.

Some open positions we have are:

Membership Director - keep an accurate record of all current and past NYP members, serve as the key contact for NYP membership, and frequently assess member satisfaction and tracking membership renewals.

Development Director - oversees the organization's efforts to raise monetary and non- monetary contributions, through sponsorships, donations, grants, and other means consistent with the organization's purpose.

If you are unsure about being involved, you can always join as a membership Chair. Membership Chair positions operate directly under their director in an assistant capacity and are not required to attend the meetings or events, but are still encouraged to do so.


Email specific to Golden Aces:

Tallahassee Network of Young Professional

P.O. Box 13811 |  Tallahassee, Florida 32317

© 2020 Tallahassee Network of Young Professionals

In order to provide an environment that promotes the mission of  the Tallahassee Network of Young Professionals, the Board Members reserve the right to refuse affiliation or entry to any Network of  Young Professional sponsored event if a member exhibits disruptive behavior that interrupts the sponsored event and/or creates a hostile environment that disrupts other members’ and non-members’ experience.  Fees or dues will not be refunded upon exit due to disruptive behavior or for any other reasons.  Being expelled from an event could exclude the member/non-member from other NYP sponsored events. The Tallahassee Network of Young Professionals, board members, and its affiliates are not responsible for any circumstances that result in loss, injury or damage to any persons or property during an NYP sponsored event.  

The Tallahassee Network of Young Professionals supports and promotes the responsible and age-appropriate consumption of alcohol. By attending any sponsored events, you are signifying that you are 21 years of age or over and have to show proper identification to enter any venues involved with NYP events. Driving while under the influence is illegal. Please don't put yourself and others in harm's way.


By attending  any NYP event, members and non-members agree that all photographs, slides, movies,  video or other media coverage of them may be taken in connection with their participation in the event without compensation from Tallahassee Network of Young Professionals and/or its officers, employees and agents. By attending any NYP event, members and non-members consent to the use of photographs, slides, movies video or other media coverage for legal purposes without prior permission.

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